About us |
The Branch Chamber Of Industrial Bread Producers and Confectioner In Bulgaria is employers' society of industrial bakery. It was established on 5 th February 1992 and registered on 2 nd June 1993 as a legal entity with nonprofit purpose. The main office is in Sofia .
The BCIBPCB's members are:
- industrial bread producers and confectioners /all bread-making plants/. 95 % of them are private;
- Central Co-operative Union – including regional co-operative unions;
- Union of Co-operations;
- Companies /foreign and Bulgarian/ who supply machinery and equipments, raw materials and other material specific to the branch;
- Scientific institutes and schools;
- Some of scientific workers in the branch.
The Branch Chamber covers about 65 % of the bread production, 3 0% of the baking products and 30 % of the confectioneries in the country.
The purposes and jobs of the BCBPCB are:
- Represents and protects the interests of its members before the governmental and nongovernmental bodies in the country.
- Achieves direct contacts and relations with:
- other organizations in the country and abroad;
- producers and dealers in machinery and equipments, raw materials and other material specific to the branch;
- providers of new technologies.
- Organizes work meetings, seminars, conferences.
- Provides technical, economic and legal assistance to its members.
- Popularizes the new technologies in the branch, world and European achievements in bakery and confectionery.
- Presents leading Bulgarian and foreign companies.
- Contributes to the development of the market economy in the country:
- participates in the elaboration of market strategies and bills related to the food industry;
- collaborates to the Consultative Council of the Grain to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, National Council of Safety Foods to the Council of Ministers and other commissions to the institutions;
- Consults its members.
The BCBPCB is a member of:
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Bulgarian Association of the Food and Drink Industry
- Bulgarian Industrial Association.
The Chamber assists with preparing of the program of studies in schools and higher institutes in Bulgaria .
The BCBPCB examines and introduces some of the European systems of teaching, qualification and re-qualification. It organizes practical trainings for the personnel and experts of the companies. Work up handbooks and other specialized books necessary to the branch.
The BCBPCB publishes the magazine Bulgarian Bread – 4 times in the year. |